Tag Archives: Bioarchaeology

Who is coming for dinner?

Dear imaginary readers,

everything is (more or less) ready for our bioarchaeological medieval Sicily game!

We are looking forward to see you, next Saturday the 15th of June in  King’s Manor between 10 am to 1 pm as part of the York Festival of Ideas.

Use paleobotany, zooarchaelogy, chemistry and genetics to discover the identities of the people who lived in Sicily between the 6th and the 13th centuries AD.

There will also be some snacks inspired by the historical research carried out by the team.

Festival of ideas.jpg

About us:

Léa Drieu is a post doctoral researcher in biochemistry at the University of York investigating what was carried in amphorae.

Jasmine Lundy, Alice Ughi and Aurore Monnereau are second year PhD students at the University of York examining pots and people in BioArCh.

Veronica Aniceti is a third year PhD student at the University of Sheffield, pioneering the study of animals in early medieval Sicily.

More information about the project can be found in the Sictransit website.

For food tasting and talk please booking is required.